Inspired by Antwerp

Inspired by Antwerp

Some of the Zebra crossings in Antwerp are appearing with just white bricks instead of them having to be painted. This means they won’t necessarily need to be painted so less maintenance. Although I loved the rainbow colours painted on one in preparation for Pride.

Beautiful station. It's grand, looks good but fully functions across it's four floors.

There is no dead space in Antwerp. Everything is built or being renovated. There are no messy spots used as car parks for fifty years - the type that kill your tyres - but there is plenty being built including new subway stations and tram lines.

Easy transport - it’s the same ticket to be used on all transport across the country and it works. Of course it does.

Art.  Everywhere. [See A Night in the Museums]

One of the tiniest airports I have been to may have been lacking in taxis/business on the way in but it was accessible & lovely on the way back.

Small beer glasses.

The subject I mention more than any other after coming back from any travels outside the UK is cleanliness. Like just about every city we visit, Antwerp is clean and the standards were no lower in Gent. I saw so much cleaning going on, it’s not surprising that no-one would even think of dropping litter.  It seemed every evening commercial rubbish would be neatly piled up in bags and be taken away later in the night. Early morning in the square outside out hotel, there were people picking up litter - what little there is that may have been accidentally dropped or in this case, blow about in the overnight storm - and cleaning the streets.

There is so much positivity and pride (the other word I use when on travels) to ensure the city is immaculate. Bravo.

August 2018

A Night in the Museums - Antwerp

A Night in the Museums - Antwerp

View from the window: coffee & food in Antwerp

View from the window: coffee & food in Antwerp